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I teach a natural way of singing - - no training the voice for operatic work - but grounding the voice in telling the story. I work to help people use the muscle of their voice and get used to the idea that their voice is unique and even though it doesn't sound like the person you feel it should sound like in order to think of yourself as a good singer, the fact that you are singing will make your voice strong. A lot of these ways are similar to those ideas promoted by the NVPN - Natural Voice Practitioners Network.
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So here are some ideas of why it's good for you... courtesy of my good friend Laura Plummer who runs the Voices of Lecale community choir in Downpatrick ...
Singing is good for you – it’s official. Recent research
carried out at the University of Frankfurt in Germany indicates that singing
strengthens the immune system, increasing significantly the levels of
immunoglobulin A (proteins which functions as antibodies) and hydrocortisone
(an anti-stress hormone). This German study and other research findings on
both sides of the Atlantic in recent years have yielded encouraging evidence
of the health benefits of singing.
12 good reasons to take
up singing
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Singing boosts the immune system,
improving circulation which oxygenates your cells
Singing improves your mood &
helps combat depression; it releases the same
‘feel good’ endorphins as chocolate and sex! |
Singing gives your upper body a workout –
lungs, abdominal, intercostal muscles & diaphragm – and improves posture |
Singing is aerobic & releases
muscle tension
Singing keeps your vocal chords in
good shape and your voice youthful
Singing improves concentration,
memory & mental alertness
Singing gives YOU immediate
pleasure (your sacculus organ in the inner ear is connected to the part of
the brain which registers pleasure!)
Singing clears your sinuses and
respiratory tubes
Singing boosts your confidence
Singing combats stress and
improves sleep
Singing stimulates insight into
poetry, prose & the inner meaning of words