Reading My Way Around the World

Friday 28 April 2017

How the spaceman helped the autistic boy

I love this story from Limavady near Derry.

It's about a young autistic boy who had hardly spoken and never managed to string a sentence together until the age of seven when he watched Tim Peake take off to the International Space Station and joined in the countdown much to his mother's surprise.

Since then, Grayden hasn't stopped talking, is fascinated by Space and has even met Tim.   Read more about it here.

Joining in today with the We Are The World Bloghop - spreading good news to balance out all the negative stuff in the world today.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Happy Easter

The bunnies are out in our garden again although I can't get them to sit still long enough for a photo! But this little chap sat quite happily last year.

Have a lovely break whether you celebrate Easter or Passover or perhaps you're preparing for Bealtaine the following week.

Sunday 9 April 2017

Spring in the air

Hi everybody - I've been away for a while - sort of keeping an eye on some of your posts, but not quite getting my mojo back to post regularly just yet.  In fact, I'm going through a bit of an indecisive interlude - I can't quite see where my blog is going... no doubt something will come up soon and inspire me again.
These primroses seem really odd to me - several blooms on one stem.  Have you ever seen ones like them? 

In the meantime spring is slowly taking hold which means it's nearly time to get back out on the road again.  To start our year's gigging we're heading over to Yorkshire for a folk club concert in Skipton the week after  Easter, then up to Scotland for a couple more - one outside Glasgow and then the third at the Edinburgh Folk Club which will be a very sad occasion for us, as the organiser there, Paddy (Eberhardt) Bort, whom we've known for nearly 30 years, passed away suddenly a few weeks back.  But it will still be lovely to get back to see old friends, revisit Edinburgh for a couple of hours and have a few days up in Fife afterwards before coming back home for a mad couple of weeks running around and then off to the Continent.

And, drum rollllllll, we've started work on a new CD of original songs which I quite foolishly have committed to launching at Fiddlers Green Festival at the end of July!   Deadlines focus the attention mightily .... I hope lol   My energy is still not back on par -  one late night and I'm half dead for two days and my other half's not a lot better at the minute - so we're going to have to be ultra careful for these next couple of trips.

Anyway the spring colours and the blasts of afternoon sunshine over the last couple of days, and the sounds of the birds as they look for nests is enough to brighten the heart.

More traditional

I hope you're having a smashing weekend wherever you are and a good week to come.