I was reading about a woman recently who sees music in colour. I've often seen it in patterns, but never in colour. She said that she chose a piece of music for her mobile phone because the colour of the song would match the colour of her phone. Isn't that simply magical?
Her name is Melissa McCracken and this is one of her pieces... Such wonderful colour.
You can read more about her
The phenomena is called sound-to-colour synaesthesia or chromestesia and apparently quite a lot of people are like that - 1 in 3000 according to
this article recently in the Daily Mail.
How about you? Fancy taking
this quiz and seeing how you fare?
Following on from my article about
practicing, I'm still finding it a chore to sit down and do any consistent instrument practice - and weeks of a cold and laryngitis haven't helped. However it feels like loads has been achieved already. I'm still doing daily journalling ( on target to journal daily for a year) and it's giving me unexpected pleasures and aha moments. And Colour is one of the most consistent ones that returns day in day out - this happens every time I write consistently. Last time I did a long bout of morning pages, I painted the entire house bright colours. I suppose it's natural to want colour during the dull days of Winter when everywhere we look we see blacks and browns and greys (thinking of my clothes' drawers with this!).
For years I've followed artists blogs and drooled at their beautiful work just to get some sunshine coming through my own computer screen. I've taken a few courses and played with doodling and more recently with the very basics of art journalling - that's really liberating. I'm not much further along than scraping paint onto a page, but oh what satisfaction it's giving me and everything feels clearer as a result. For years I've fought this impulse to play with crayons and paints, but in the last few days I've finally decided to stop fighting it and just get on with playing:)
I wonder what the coming weeks of daily writing will bring?
How about you? Any secret childish pleasures?