Reading My Way Around the World

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Community Choir back for another term.

Is it a choir?
Is it a singing circle?
Is it a class?

I'm never quite sure what to call it - but it's all of those things - a chance to come and exercise your vocal chords for a couple of hours once a week.

For sake of clarity we'll call it a Community Choir.  

We sing a mixture of African rounds, Irish folk songs, old pop songs, new material.   Our only performances are around Christmas time, playing at the village pageant and at the Christmas craft fair and otherwise it is a safe place, I hope, for people who are unsure of their voices, but who want to sing.  

We meet on Wednesday nights in An Cuan, Rostrevor, at 7.30pm with a break for tea/coffee half way through.  

If you've ever thought you couldn't sing, but always wanted to, then give this a try - your only commitment is for 6 weeks - and it costs £30.  (Please help me out and put your money in an envelope with your name on it  - thanks, it'll speed things up).

If you want more information, contact me on  028 417 38052 or on 07803 226279 or just show up on this or any other Wednesday.  


  1. I`d love to. I used to sing in the school choir many years ago. Much later met current hubby who used to be the top boy chorister in the UK and who told me I couldn`t sing. Haven`t done so since. Mind you he can`t sing either since his voice broke.

    1. Singers from a classical background have different ideas of what's good and bad.. Too me, having fun with singing is the most important bit. And thank goodness, the folk world has more and more groups around the world to get everyone using their voices.

  2. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a virtual choir who could get together over the internet from all over the world? Maybe you could post some of the songs you are doing and any youtube videos so your followers can have a bit of a sing song on a Wednesday night - karaoke style and you will know we are there in spirit if not in body?

    1. hahahahaha I love it!! But I'd want to hear you all :)

  3. Hi Fil - it's great you're encouraging your neighbours to come and join you ... if I could sing and I wasn't over the water ... I'd be joining you ...

    Happy times .. cheers Hilary

    1. Cheers Hilary :) There are loads of these lovely choirs all over England - the Natural Voice Practitioners Network - a lot of them, like my own, don't perform - we just have a class each week - sing hard, learn songs and enjoy ourselves. Maybe there's one near you . Fil

  4. I had a traumatic childhood experience where I was kicked out of a little choir (by other kids) because I couldn't sing. Since then I haven't even tried. I do know that I'm pretty tone-deaf though.

    1. That is terrible Inger - nearly everyone who comes to my group has a similar experience - but I've never heard of anyone being kicked out by kids ... terrible.
      I've only ever met one person who is tone deaf completely - and he has a hearing problem that he hears everything as a monotone - speech as well .... I believe that we develop our ability to hear tunes at different stages in our lives - but it can be so disabling to be picked on about something so personal. I hope you're still singing to Samson :)


Do drop me a line ... I love to read your comments :)