Reading My Way Around the World

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Opening the Narnia Trail

"I yearn to see County Down in the snow.  One almost expects to see a march of dwarves dashing past." C.S. Lewis

Well first of all, a belated Happy New Year to you ...  Where has this month gone to!  I can't remember the last time I had so much prep to do for classes and gigs.  Blogging has fallen by the wayside and I'm starting to miss coming here for a chat and reading all your news.  So it's high time to get back into the swing of things ... Hopefully over the next week I'll get reading back on all the blogs I've missed out on.  

Last year I wrote several pieces about the Narnia Trail that was being built here in Rostrevor. ... You can read them here and here ....   The pieces appeared overnight in different parts of the woods and it was very exciting to be among the first to see these lovely works of art.  Kudos to Newry and Mourne Heritage for coming up with the idea.  

The official opening was on Saturday and the sun shone valiantly and huge crowds turned out.   Characters from the Narnia stories were walking around ... I feel very strange taking pictures of children these days, so I've put up a few here that are more atmospheric rather than in full frame.   There's even one very out of focus, but you'll get the idea.  

And the people who had built the willow figures were completing a final piece - an owl - which children could help finish.   Fascinating process - they are attached to a living tree which will eventually outgrow the willow piece.  I really must look closer at the signage to see exactly what each exhibit represents. 

The final willow figure being prepared - an owl to go up in one of the redwoods.
Some images from the earlier blogs about this beautiful exhibition.
The Tree People

The Wardrobe
Where the Pattertwigs live
You have to forgive me sounding like an advert for the Tourist Board - the first time I came to Rostrevor, to record my first CD, from my very first glimpse I fell in love with the place and that love has never diminished.  So you may bear with more of these tributes in future months and years.

You see, tourism is still a bit of a novelty here in the North ... It was only as recently as 2013 when for the first time Northern Ireland had over 1 million visitors in the year.  This area is an area of outstanding natural beauty which was kept well hidden during "the Troubles".   It is simply wonderful seeing people coming to share these fabulous places and exhibitions like this will certainly add to the splendour.  
I think some people here would argue that they're certainly there somewhere! 

I hope your New Year is shaping up well - you know I love to hear from you.


  1. I guess it will improve when all the leaves are out too. Interesting concept. Would love to visit. Welcome back Fil.

  2. Fascinating and incredibly creative use of what Mother Nature has to offer. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Happy New Year to you Fil. How fun about the Narnia Trail - I'd certainly put it on my visiting list.

  4. It sounds wonderful!!! I love anything C.S.Lewis!x

  5. just wandered in from the blog hop , think i may be staying !

  6. Thanks for sharing these photos, Fil -- would love to explore that trail! :)

    -- Birgit

    PS: I just signed up to follow your blog. :)

  7. Totally love these doors, and what a fascinating trail this must be!


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