Reading My Way Around the World

Saturday 18 September 2021

Getting into focus

I love taking photos and I use a very scientific method introduced to me by an American friend years ago - point, snap, take loads and hope that you get one or two decent ones out of every 500 you take!!!  Honestly, she had me driving around Pennsylvania one time with the camera out the window not even looking at what she was photographing and miraculously some did come out.   Such a laugh.  That friend is now battling with the debris of her house after Hurricane Ida - I wish I was closer to help.  

But, back to the photos - I'm not quite up to her standard but it is alarming how many of my snaps are out of focus - and they look perfectly lined up to me when I'm taking them .. Like these sheep above - I was sure I had the next cover of the Countryfile calendar - perfect composition - the sheep was out on the point looking in to the water - but my eyes deceived me.   I'll have to wait for my moment of glory some other time.  

But it's a bit like life at the moment - nothing is quite in focus yet - there's the promise of things happening but nothing certain, the queries about things perhaps happening but then nothing.   And it is very frustrating.   It spills into every part of life - it's like living in prolonged holiday mode where you just can't seem to get moving.  

So I'm still helping Belinda a couple of days a week in her gift shop and we had a lovely last minute run up to the north coast again - this time to Ballycastle and Fair Head  - that's one of those places that get mentioned on the shipping forecast.   Wow!  On the clear day we could see Rathlin, the Mull of Kintyre and Iona.  A giant like Finn McCool would have only needed one step to get to any of them:).   

So let's see what next week brings, what might open up and how much more into focus life may become.  


  1. I had thought the sheep photo was really good - you are being hard on yourself 💗! But I know what you mean - sometime you can be a bit directionless and it takes a bit to get back into focus xxx

  2. Hi Fil - I thought the sheep shot was rather good; sorry about your friend ... weather destruction is so unplanned ... I hope things will come together for her. I think I feel like you everything's out of focus ... except we're back with classes and meetings (and I'm on committees), but I have things to muddle me up here and I'm going to be changing computers ... so more change: still I will be glad to be more settled and up to date. Enjoy these last dwindling days of early Autumn ... and here's to more focus - whatever that is! Cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary ... I hope things are settling down for you ... a bit clearer here now. x


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