Reading My Way Around the World

Monday 16 March 2020

Singing calms the nerves

Hi all, 

Just a wee tip - if you're getting anxious in the midst of all this crisis, turn on the radio or a CD and sing at the top of your lungs - don't worry about who hears you.... It will really help calm you down.  

I was in Tesco earlier today and got really freaked at how close people were standing to me... So, into the car and turn on some voice exercises and it really worked.  

If you're interested I'm posting a song a day on my choir Singmarra's Facebook Page to sing along with .... I'll add a link for the lyrics too.


  1. A wonderful post, a must for us all to stay calm and carry on amidst the mayhem we are experiencing right now
    Love and blessings x

  2. Hi Fil - just stay calm ... and be sensible. Take care and look after yourselves ... thankfully music does help - hugely ... all the best - cheers Hilary

  3. thanks for the suggestion Fil, but I really can't sing, though if I have a few minutes alone in the house (DH in shed), I will sing. Our radio goes on the minute I get up & stays on till the TV news in the early evening. I still play records, tapes & DVDs. Love my music. Take care, stay safe & huggles from down under.

  4. Thank you so much for this advice it is the sort of thing we all need right now.


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