Reading My Way Around the World

Thursday 12 March 2020

Waiting for the call

We're in the middle of our run of performances of the Emigrant Woman and Border Stories and waiting from day to day to see if they're going to be cancelled while trying not to panic.

Because of Csilla's story of her escaping from behind the Iron Curtain and the extra play we've added in about homelessness which she also wrote, the Q&A after both the shows in Derry and in Rostrevor were very interesting and informative. One of the pieces we do is called Love in Paris - it's a poem of Csilla's that I have turned into a song and it describes her meeting a stranger when she and her boyfriend finally arrived in Paris after a week sleeping rough to get through the green borders from Yugoslavia to Italy and then over the Alps to get from Italy into France (as teenagers they thoguht that now they were in the free west they didn't need a passport!).   Anyway, the stranger in Paris looks after them and helps them find the right address.   But we were all shocked to hear in the Q&A a French friend of mine saying that nowadays to do that in Paris would be an arrestable offence ... for the householder!   Isn't that the most crazy thing ... What is happening to humanity.  

Today's audience are all school children (if the school isn't closed before we get there) - it will be interesting to hear their take on the different stories. 


  1. It sounds fascinating and wonderful. I do hope you are able to continue, performances and discussions like this are so important in this crazy world we live in right now.

  2. What a dreadful thought, you could be arrested for helping someone in trouble. I wonder if that applies all over?

    Hope your performances continue, they are of such great benefit to kids in particular.

  3. I hope your performances are able to go ahead with the current situation with the virus.

  4. It sounds such a great show & I'd love to see you bring it to Oz, as we are a country of many nationalities & some having a long journey to get here. Hope it doesn't get cancelled. Take care and huggles.

  5. Thank you all for your lovely comments - yes, it would be great to take this out further - who knows what will happen.
    Only one of the shows has been cancelled but the audiences have understandably been very depleted - however the questions have been fascinating particularly from the young folk,


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