Reading My Way Around the World

Friday, 12 November 2021

A walk around and about today

Hello friends, it's been a while.   
Life has been picking up again and there are so many excuses for not keeping up with blogging and social media-ing (is that a word yet?).  And Autumn has been so lovely.   There's not been too much wind yet to scatter the leaves and the colours have been spectacular.   

Along the beach it's been calm and gradually turning to brown.  

Here in NI  all adults have been given a £100 voucher to spend locally to help the local economy after all the lockdowns.  What a treat!  And we've been encouraged to think of it that way ... as a treat.   And yesterday  I finally spent a bit of it - just on some lovely locally made scents for the house, but it felt like being a child again.   You remember the times when you had £1 or £5 to spend and you took forever choosing exactly what to spend it on?  Well it was like that - and everyone is the same.   While many will be glad of the extra cash for winter fuel or extra foodstuffs, those of us who are a bit luckier have been thinking about shoes, or something for the garden, or money towards a new piece of furniture or a new coat or .....  And lots of places are offering extra if you spend it in their shop.   

So what would you spend a treat of £100 on?  Not online,  not on alcohol or gambling - they're the only exclusions.  Lucky us.   


  1. Good to see you back & the autumn colours look gorgeous. Ah, a little spending money! We got some too way back during our first lockdown & spent it on our wood heater made in Ararat (country town here in Victoria) and the flue which was made right here in town. We also used local plumbers to install it. Wasn't buying anything foreign. Enjoy spending, keep warm & hugs.

    1. Lovely to hear from you Susan - yes, buying local is definitely the way to go.

  2. Lovely to see you back 💗 and wow - what would I spend it on? hmm - need to think😁

    1. It's like being a child again lol. Don't want to waste it on something frivolous .

  3. Hi Fil - lovely to see the NI surrounds ... that's great you get the £100 too ... as you say a treat. I'd definitely buy local ... perhaps a few meals as I don't really need much else ... at local places I don't tend to visit. Definitely local though ... or supporting something Cornish - my heart-warming county! Take care and all the best as Autumn progresses ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary - something from a place that warms the heart is a lovely thought - my Rostrevor does that every day.

  4. Good to see you again. I'd spend it on things which helped the local economy. Arilx

    1. Thanks Aril - yes, the local shops need it much more than the big ones

  5. Local music would probably be my bag if I had my choice. Looks like Mother Nature is still in bloom over there. Nice.

    1. Hi GB - the leaves are finally starting to go, but Mother Nature has definitely put on a good show. Lots of local music around here to choose from.

  6. Lovely photos of the wilds in NI !
    I would probably have bought a lovely scent for the house, too !
    Support the local artisans.

    1. It delights me seeing locally made lovely things - so many artisans keeping us cheered.


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