Reading My Way Around the World

Monday, 24 October 2016


Rostrevor Community Choir has a new name ... Singmarra .... what do you think?

I suppose we could guess that it means Songs of the Sea, or Sing about the Sea - but actually it's just a play on words from a beautiful Aboriginal song called Lingmarra that Therese Virtue at the Boîte World Music Cafe in Melbourne taught me when I visited earlier this year.   Her choirs all sing it and it's a sort of non specific native language that means Welcome Everybody  

Rostrevor Community Choir has been going now in various guises for nearly 6 years and for most of that time I've been thinking "we should have a name!, we should have a name!"   So finally we have.

The artwork is an original painting by one of our members, Susan Farrell, who is also chair of the local art group.  I love the lightness of her paintings.  You can see more of her work here

We meet on Wednesday nights in Rostrevor, so if you happen to be in the area on holiday and fancy joining us for a sing for an evening, you'd be more than welcome.  Membership is closed now until after Christmas but we'll open it again for a few weeks to take on the New Year's Resolution singers.


  1. It's a beautiful name and I love the story behind it. :-)

  2. Hi Fil - what a brilliant name - well done, and bringing the idea over from your Aussie trip. How great the choir has been going for six years ... congratulations and enjoy your run up to Christmas ... and that art work by Susan is just lovely ... good luck to you all - cheers Hilary

  3. That's amazing, dear Fil! You know I would love to take part! :) Singmarra, when I first read it, sounded to me like a title of a Bollywood movie and I already loved it, really immediately! I think it really suits the choir, with the marra meaning mar - sea. Fantastic painting as well! Dear Fil, I still owe you an email :) But you know I take time, I write when I am inspired... it will come, bear with me please :) Thank you so much for all your support... you know what I mean :) Hugs and regards!

  4. Sounds very cool. Good luck on the upcoming season.

  5. It all fits beautifully together and what a name!! How lovely to also know that if we are ever passing we will be welcomed in to add our voices - a truly global choir :) What wonderful work you do, Fil!


Do drop me a line ... I love to read your comments :)