Reading My Way Around the World

Friday 12 March 2021

Look up/ Look Down

 Joining in with Kates's weekly photo scavenger hunt today.   And the prompt is

Look up / Look down

Did you see the snow moon at the start of the month - wasn't it amazing?  (no decent photos I'm afraid)

I've always wondered why we don't give the moon a name - like Luna.   All the other planets' moons are named after gods and goddesses, why not ours!   Mind you it would only be something else for people to argue about ... 

Looking down is easier to photograph....

Tulips are my most favourite flower.  Especially the curly edged ones.   I love how they look as they go from opening to fading to dying.  Last year, just as lockdown was starting, a friend brought me a beautiful bunch that were grown locally and I just couldn't stop photographing them, looking down into their beautiful insides.  

Check out the other interpretations of this prompt HERE.  


  1. Hi Fil - lovely photos and I so agree - tulips are beautiful ... and were one of the flowers I would buy for my mother in the home - hated anything forced, or unnatural ... thankfully Spring is nearly here - as I watch streaks of rain blast across the landscape. Stay safe - Hilary

    1. It's a foul day today here - roll on some sunshine

  2. I too like tulips and often gaze down to look inside the flower. I don't pick the few I have in my garden but a friend gave me a bunch about 9 days ago and they are just fading. Love your photos.

  3. Lovely series of tulips - even at their final moment, they are still glorious, you can imagine that fallen petal as the back of a gorgeous dress!

  4. I love tulips, love the way they stay upright, then bend over, then the flowers change till they start dropping their petals. xx

  5. The tulips are lovely & remind me I should have got some bulbs to plant for this year. Take care & stay safe.

  6. Oooh tulips ... lovely ... one of my favourite flowers. I don’t have much luck growing my own though. They tend to just come up the once and then thats it ... just lots of greenery 😃

  7. Apologies for the late comment, it's been quite busy round here recently. I like tulips and this is a lovely series of colourful shots :)

  8. Beautiful tulips, I'm not sure I've seen that kind before.

  9. They are very grand tulips! Not sure I've seen all those before! Such a great flower structure!


Do drop me a line ... I love to read your comments :)