Reading My Way Around the World

Monday 29 August 2016

Poetic Action Rostrevor

My friend Catherine organised this lovely idea and launched it during Fiddlers Green Festival.   It's called Poetic Action and she brought the idea over from Spain - I think it originated in South America.  Lines of poetry or song lyrics were painted onto white boards and positioned on key sites around the village with no other motive than to bring beauty and a smile to people as they go about their daily lives.  

All the quotes have relevance to the buildings they adorn, so for example those at the sports hall below have a theme suited to sport, and those at the Christian Renewal site, the school and the recording studio all have special meanings to those places.   
All the quotes are painted in the same style and were projected onto boards which were then painted during the early days of the festival by visitors and locals.  
In the village outside Madrid where Catherine first saw Poetic Action all the quotes were painted directly onto walls, but here our regulations will only allow them to be temporary - so they'll stay up until the end of November when there's a one day literary festival in the village and then will be stored until next year when she is hoping that more will be added to the 20 sites that were used this year.  
The former chairman of the Sports Club Patsy Tinnelly,
passed away just before the project was launched
and this lovely tribute was put up in his memory
outside the club that he had given so much of his life to
It's a fantastic idea and lovely to see.   I went for a walk around the town yesterday to have a look at some that I hadn't noticed before.  

From two of our best known songwriters -
this from Tommy Sands

..and this one from Colum Sands

No doubt about that

A poem from another of the older generation
who passed away this year.

Already some other villages are considering this idea - it's simple, doesn't cost a lot of money and has brought nothing but positivity along with it, something that we all need lots of at the moment.  Well done Cat.


  1. Interesting idea, never seen or heard of it before.

  2. Dear Fil, I loved this, I will use some quotes that I didn't know (you know I am a big fan of quotes!); simply a fantastic action! I did see something like that in two other places, but this one is my favorite, because of the way it is written, such a beautiful handwriting and some are verses. I think positive vibes are always a blessing! So nice that you showed that! Hope you are fine, hugs!

    1. I love the quotes you put up Denise - and you are right - positive vibes are such a blessing.

  3. Fil, what a lovely idea! I really like it when villages and towns have initiatives where you see things of interest or can hunt for something! So cool! The quotes are lovely. I like the one about miracles!

  4. Hi Fil - what an amazing idea ... and so good for small villages or communities - it could happen around here ... I'll bear it in mind when I talk to friends ... cheers Hilary

  5. Make sure you let us know Hilary and I can put you in touch with Catherine who'll give them some pointers ... It'd be a fabulous thing to spread in these days of so much bad news.

  6. Thanks for sharing this quality information with us. I really enjoyed reading. Will surely going to share this URL with my friends.
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  7. Hello, I just want to say this movement started in Mexico almost 20 years ago. I'm glad that it's now all over the world!


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