Reading My Way Around the World

Saturday 13 August 2016

The Joys of Travelling

One of the single most enjoyable things in my life is the joy of travelling, whether that be literally or through books, or maps and most of all through reading blogs here.   It is such a delight to connect with people from different countries and cultures and especially those of different languages.  

My father only ever left Ireland once - to visit the potteries in Staffordshire - he was a potter all his life.   And my mother hasn't travelled much more than that, either in or out of the country.   But they both instilled in me a wanderlust.   I had a French penpal when I was at school - when Pascal came to visit, the first thing my father did was take out the big atlas to see where in the world he came from.  In our school books all the countries were different colours and I used to dream of visiting every single one of them in my lifetime.   Alas, many are no longer there and there are many more that I will never get to for various reasons.   

So it's a great pleasure to take part in a new Meet and Greet and travel the world with some other bloggers.   Do you fancy joining in?  

Just go to  Niki's site - The Richness of a Simple Life - and sign up.  Perhaps I'll see you there. 


  1. Interesting Fil. I too, as a kid, thought I could visit every country in the world. Not a hope unfortunateley. Will check out your link.

  2. Hi Fil - looks a fun adventure ... I've so enjoyed tying up with fellow bloggers and generally absorbing things I didn't know about. Niki has some great followers from all parts of the world - enjoy - I'll be with you .. cheers Hilary

  3. Fil, I couldn't agree with you more traveling is a real blessing, So I will check out your link!
    Anna xx

    1. Hi Anna - thanks for dropping by - I'll watch out for you :)


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