Reading My Way Around the World

Monday 6 February 2017

Do you use Spotify?

Recently we took out our record player again and dusted off some old LPs ... the sound is definitely much richer than CD.  Although in the past few years I find I'm not even listening to CDs much - just loading them in to my computer, transferring them to iTunes and have them on my phone to listen to in the car - and everything goes onto shuffle.   Same with my podcasts and radio programmes.  

The music business is certainly changing.   

We spend so much of our time looking after our digital profiles.  In the past week we have done updates to our website,  to our You Tube channel, created a You Tube channel to specifically focus on the Songbirds TV work we did  in another lifetime (it was too confusing keeping it all together).  I've been on here on Blogger, added stuff to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and next I need to check out our Soundcloud account.    At what point do you get time to practice or write says you?   

And finally, there is Spotify.   Do you use it?   If you do and you have an account, you could help us out.  We need to have 250 followers in order to be recognised as artists on Spotify.   Here's the link to our music page - you'd be doing us a huge favour if you went there and then clicked the follow button.   Many thanks.  Ok, one more job done lol

A new artist

I feel sorry for young performers trying to make a living - where do they even start?   A lot of the time they even have to pay for a chance to play a gig.   But there's one lovely young girl here in the village that was too shy to get out and perform, even in front of her parents.   So she decided to film herself singing songs by her favourite artists and put them on to You Tube.  Fast forward a year and she got approached by a company in London to see if she'd like to enter a competition for You Tube performers and another year on she is now working in London in a music business office, has been writing with some of the best writers in Nashville and has already had 2 singles released.   Her name is Catherine McGrath and you can watch her videos  here - maybe buy her single or like her on Facebook to help her out?   Or let your teenage daughters check her out.  

So how do you listen to your music nowadays?   Have you any favourite LPs?  Or like me, do you still have some cassettes lying around the place?  I'd love to hear... 


  1. I would love to help with your stats, but I don't have an account and wouldn't know where to start! Best of luck with it though. I know what you mean about music, we have an "old" stereo system and playing records on it they sound so good! Nicer than a cd in the car or something.

    1. The old system is so warm and I miss the crackles :)

  2. For new music, I usually get it/listen to it on the c.d. I do have a modest sized vinyl collection (1500+ LPs and 1500+ 45s) that I would listen to, but at the moment, my record player is on the fritz.

    Spotify is a good way to get exposure without making a lot of money (the royalty system from what I understand isn't very good, but I could be wrong) so I wish you the best of luck.

    1. You're right, there's no money in it at all GB - but a lot of people listen that way and friends have been asking about finding our music.... it makes it easier to find if you can put songs on a playlist, but you can't do that until the followers are up at 250.

  3. DEar Fil, another great and inspiring post - I am shy for some things and thought many times to re-open my channel on Youtube... after watching Catherine McGrath I decided I won't, not a good time now. She is brilliant! No wonder she was invited to a competition and is now working in the area! She's really fabulous. And so are you, so your channel is a big source of inspiration, and as my professors say "you could have a strong voice, but you seem not to believe in yourself". Well, let it be, years with family saying "you? Singer? Hahaha!" So that's me today :) So how do I listen to music now... I know that it's easier today, but not for me. CD Players are my thing. I listened to many CDs before Youtube, etc. Now, you can get all on internet, and somehow - funny enough - I don't listen to music as much as I did before all these technology advances. Only at college, of course. I am not on spotify, dear Fil, but if I were, I would definitely vote for you! I tried to create an account there, just to vote, but they demand sharing data that I wouldn't like to :( But I am sure that soon you'll get the votes! Hope you are fine and that you have a very lovely week! Hugs!

  4. Hi Fil .. I did the Spotify click thru ... I'm afraid I rarely listen to music as such - my brain is elsewhere ... one day I'll get organised. Loving Catherine McGrath though ... good luck to her and all passionate musicians promoting their music ... cheers Hilary

  5. I'm afraid I am not on Spotify otherwise I would help out!!x


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