Reading My Way Around the World

Sunday 19 February 2017

Five Windows

I jinxed myself putting up my last post about colds - I'd been feeling poorly for a few days and couldn't get my head into thinking of anything to write and that was the only post I'd ready to go.   Well.  I've been in bed since ... the same thing as before Christmas - it looks like a lung infection which hasn't cleared - so back on yet another course of antibiotics and I must confess I am starting to feel marginally brighter this evening but still not enough energy to talk much.

With no real concentration for reading I'd been looking through some photos to see what we were at in February for the past few years (for 3 consecutive years I've been away and sick - really will have to look at this)  - but I found these that will give me a Five for Friday.  I'm joining in today with Amy's weekly blogshop - at Love Made My Home.

I've always loved windows.  Here are some from our travels.

1. Oradour sur Glane
I wrote about this martyr village in France a few years ago - the link will take you there if you're interested.   De Gaulle insisted it was left exactly as it was to remember the atrocities of World War 2.  The most moving place I've ever been or seen.
Rusted and left to remember

2. Castle Caldwell in Co. Fermanagh.
This old castle is near to where I grew up, on the shores of Lough Erne.  The owners were the founders of Belleek Pottery.  Today it is lovely park to walk around, full of bluebells in spring.  These windows make me think of Maid Marian and Robin Hood, although it's not nearly as old as that (late 1700s I think)

Abandoned from another era

3.  Now where would you think I was here?  :)  Two Februarys ago wandering around Scotland, I took this first picture purely because I love that shade of blue - if memory serves me correctly it's in Stranraer.  But when I was looking back on photos it made me think of how much a name can suggest a place.
Shades of blue

I couldn't choose between these two .... The tourist shop below leaves no doubt as to place.  I couldn't resist it - the colours were magic in it - even though I can't stand tourist shops.
Buy a memory

4. Autumn in rural Germany
At our friends house in Neuwartensleben.
5. The cool of the shade
In Dubai museum - a traditional Arab home

Thankfully I have a few more days before I need to be fully on again - and another 10 days before the next gig - so I'm going to lie low to see if I can crack this thing - actually there's no choice in the matter - energy is still appallingly low.   They're sending me for a CT scan because the last two X-rays have shown something up on my lungs - but that'll take a couple of months at least, so it can't be too urgent and hopefully this second antibiotic will do the trick.

Have a lovely week ...


  1. What a wonderful post about windows.They do give a sense of place and where one might find it, but I enjoyed you telling us where you took them.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. You mentioned missing Downton Abbey -- did you happen to see my post on Highclere Castle? We had a lovely day there -- thought you might enjoy a peek at that too.

    Wishing you a beautiful day...

    1. Really enjoyed your blog on Highclere Castle Brenda - thanks for the tip.

  2. What a super idea for a blog post! I really like this. The last one looks really cosy and gentle!! I'd like to be there! I am sitting by my patio windows, so much light coming in and a nice view of the garden but alas, I have a headache coming on so not the best!!!x

    1. I hope you feel better soon Kezzie - I'd love to live in a house with patio doors - especially if you have a nice garden.

  3. Hope you are feeling much better today. Awed by the history of the first two. I admit I love looking in windows and getting a glimpse of what is behind them.

    1. Thanks Jean - it'll take a while longer I think - a friend has just given me a list of suggestions to get the gunk moving

  4. Lovely post and my thoughts are that this is just one great thing about living in Europe. So many different cultures so close by. Hope you continue to feel better.

    1. Yes there's no doubt about the differences around Europe Inger. I love that.

  5. I hope the antibiotic can get rid of your lung infection. Doesn't sound like fun to have to wait so long for a CT scan. Your windows are so intriguing. I've always loved interesting windows and doors with their histories.

    1. It does sound a bit not right having to wait so long, but then hopefully it'll be well clear by then.

  6. Hi Fil - I do hope you can knock the bug out of the 'ball park' and recover sufficiently to be fighting fit soon ... Love the photos - and your Castle with its connection to Belleek Pottery and your early home ... and then its interesting links to the potato famine I just mentioned re Boxty ...

    Feel better and take care - cheers Hilary

    1. Oh I must go back and check that Hilary - I meant to revisit and got sort of waylaid.

  7. I am really sorry, dear Fil, that you are still battling something in your lungs and need more antibiotics... I really really hope that you are soon fine, it's not good to be in bed or ill for so long :( Sending you very good vibes - also because I am going back soon and would love to meet you again! More about this later :) I loooved and love windows and what for a great post! The house in Dubai, the one in France left the way it was, the one of your friends, the castle... the tourist shop... I really loved all, and yes, the blue shade of Baxters is very beautiful! Wishing you a great week, dear Fil, may you feel better soon!

  8. Thanks for coming by my blog! Nice to 'meet' another local blogger!
    Hope you feel better asap!
    Great selection of windows too!
    My favourite has to be the shades of blue as its my favourite colour
    Best wishes

  9. lovely post on the visits to other places and times. My first time here, but I'll be back. Your whimsy will be on my mind for days!

    1. Thanks Sugar - I enjoyed my visit to your place too :)

  10. Beautiful windows, Fil - truly a glimpse through any of them might reveal some beauty or mystery! I have voted on the oak tree in your recent post - a real lovely specimen. Thanks for visiting me, I hope you stop by again. xx Karen

  11. I THINK I voted! Hard to tell!


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