Reading My Way Around the World

Thursday 3 December 2015

Sister Moon

This is Day 3 in Kat McNally's reflective writing challenge Reverb 15

When was the last time you stopped to look up at the moon?

What did she have to say to you?

Full moon over the Mountains of Mourne 1st June 2015.
I'm enjoying going back over photographs searching for something for these prompts and remembering the year.  And realising that at this time of the year we don't see much of the moon.   The curtains are closed way too early.   It's almost dark here now by 4.30.  And I miss her.   
On this particular night I was driving back from my first night with a new group of singers and the full moon was just spectacular.   Oh how I wish I could photograph it properly.   That might be on next year's wish list - that, and wondering what the moon will look like down in Australia.  

Here on the coast in summer time the moon rises from behind the mountain and sends its beautiful light across the lough.  It always makes me wonder what was it like in ancient times?  Did people imagine that the moon would fall out of the sky?  No wonder they worshipped her. 

Her beauty dominates the night sky and casts a stillness and magic over the landscape that makes my heart fill with joy.   It's impossible to feel sad when you look at the moon.  

And yet some of the creation myths that include the moon are anything but joyful.   I once wrote a song for a Solstice show about the myth that the sun and moon were lovers but they were banished to the sky to never be able to touch or properly see each other again.   How sad.

And for some beautiful images and sounds here's one of my all time favourite songs 


  1. Oh I do love seeing photographs of the moon - and you've got some lovely ones here. And I share you love of the song as well. Lovely! Can't wait to see your Australian moon perspective.

  2. Yes, lovely thoughts and yes, they must have been scared about the moon at times!x

  3. Hi Fil - when the moon can be seen - it always has a magic. Sometimes we have a huge creamy one out over the Channel. Love the Sting song ... cheers Hilary

  4. beautiful pics
    fun post love reading it

  5. >>Did people imagine that the moon would fall out of the sky?

    What a dream-provoking question. Speaking in part as someone whose staring at the moon sometimes brings to mind pearls or opals on a shallow velvet drawer.

  6. I once wrote a song for a Solstice show about the myth that the sun and moon were lovers but they were banished to the sky to never be able to touch or properly see each other again.----> How achingly sad.
    I've never heard that moon myth before. I must look it up.


Do drop me a line ... I love to read your comments :)