Reading My Way Around the World

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Zozimus says Zing went Ziggy's Zombies sung by Zap Mama!!

This is the last day of the 2014 A to Z Blogging Challenge 

I had great fun trying to find music connections for Z so I thought I'd do another list for this one ... I've done lists of songs for days of the week here and for months here and here but never for a letter before and there are some corkers.

In the Irish language, there is no Z in the alphabet so none of the songs begin with it .... but there was a balladeer ... popularly known as Zozimus.   Born Michael Moran (1794 - 3 April 1846), he was  born in Dublin and lived there all his life. At two weeks old he was blinded by illness. He made his living reciting verses which he had composed in his own lively if semi-literate manner.

Some of them still survive, such as

"Saint Patrick was a Gentleman"
Saint Patrick was a gintleman, he came of decent people,
In Dublin town he built a Church, and on it put a steeple;
His father was a Callaghan, his mother was a Brady,
His aunt was an O'Shaughnessy, and his uncle was a Grady.
Then success to bold St. Patrick's fist, He was a saint so clever,
He gave the snakes and toads a twist,
And banished them for ever.

One of my favourite female vocal groups is Zap Mama from French speaking part of Belgium ...  Have listen.

Some great Z songs (in my opinion anyway) ...

Zing Went the Strings of My Heart from Judy Garland (there are many other versions of this, but Judy has a special place in my heart)

Zombie - the Cranberries 
Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find you, here on the last day of the challenge. I like the Zap Mama video -- something about it reminds me of Paul Simon's Graceland album. (yeah, there's a blast from the past!)
    Wendy at Jollett Etc.

    1. I love Gracelands too - great album :)

  2. I loved Zozimus's verses. I doesn't get more Irish than that, does it. It has been great getting to know you and the music.

  3. Nice to know you too Fil. Haven't played your clips yet. Have to come back and do that. I liked the rhyme about St. Patrick too. Funny.

  4. I've loved visiting your blog, Fil and what a super end to your A to Z Challenge - great songs and I too loved the Zap Mama video - definitely think it's got a place in one of my Monday morning assemblies - will certainly get the children interested.

    1. Oh I hope so :) It sounds like your assemblies are fun :)

  5. I didn't know there was no Z in the Irish alphabet. I continue to learn new things from this A to Z challenge!

    1. I think there was only 20 letters ... not sure about that one... I've learned so much too :) Lovely to meet you Stephanie and thanks for visiting.

  6. Wow, you excelled with Z! I like all those songs. Thanks for tipping me off about Zap Mama.

  7. Ahhhhhhhh who doesn't like Judy Garland, she was so very talented. the others don't do much for me, but you've got something there for everyone. Congrats on finishing the a-z......I'm still rollin with it.

  8. Love Zap Mama and had never heard of them. What a wonderful video. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention!


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