Reading My Way Around the World

Thursday 7 December 2017

Mid Week Musings

I love that there are still leaves clinging on to the branches,
even though they are now brown and ready to fall.
and even inspite of last night's fierce wind.

Today as I write, I'm watching the seabirds struggling to stay aloft in this fierce wind that started blowing last night. We wound up our Singmarra Choir practice very sharpish as the trees looked like they were at right angles to their roots.

It was carol practice last night as we're taking part in the village pageant on Saturday - I'll post photos afterwards.  Always a lovely event to take part in, we lead the children from the local integrated school (yes, we still have segregated education here so it's necessary to give the integrated schools special status) up the street, Mary on a donkey led by Joseph and a collection of tiny angels and shepherds, up to the crib which is at the Christmas tree.   Then Santa comes to turn on the lights and hand out sweets to the children and we head to some warm hostelry for a quick scoop of something liquid.
There is snow forecast, so the evening should be perfect, as long as this wind dies down.

Don't forget as you get ready for Christmas, we have CDs for sale.  Every CD we sell goes towards us making another one.  There is still time to post anywhere in the world for items to arrive by Christmas. 


  1. Sounds like a lovely, albeit busy time of year for you & I've not done choir practice since a child, but sing around the house occasionally when no-one is listening. In other words I can't sing. Hope the wind lets up & you get some reasonable weather over the Christmas period. Here in Oz, ours has been absolutely weird, with extreme temperatures early/mid November (up to 37deg) & now in the low 20's & maybe a flurry of snow up in the Victorian High Country today. What? It is summer now.
    Take care.

  2. That is so nice about the choir and the children looking for tiny angels and then Santa comes... by now that is past, it happened :) I didn't know that there were still schools like that there. I always learn something from you, dear Fil! Hope you have a beautiful weekend, hugs!

  3. It's so nice about your leading the intergrated schools! I heard about the schools when I went to Belfast on the tour- it's so surprising- I had no idea!


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