Reading My Way Around the World

Thursday 14 December 2017

Snowman - Advent Scavenger Hunt Day 14

I had to get all the decorations out of the attic to find this wee fella - well, at least now I'm ready for the tree.

He's a bit demented looking, but this is definitely a snowman, an ornament from Belleek Pottery.

I've had a real laugh trying to hunt down some of these clues Julie, thank you for putting it together.   You've made me want to go out and build a snowman if we get more snow.  It's certainly cold enough for it here today.

I'm joining in this month with  Julie's Advent Scavenger Hunt  


  1. He's a sweetie :) love his cheery smile!

  2. Hi Fil - just what I was about to say: he's a sweetie - two of us ...

    Happy times - cheers Hilary

  3. That is so sweet! Well, I hope you can build a snowman, but on the other hand, I don't wish it to be colder :) Because that means catching a cold in my case, and I hope you don't catch one! Wishing you a nice day, dear Fil! Hugs!


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